Team We are a team of university and professional students, as well as investment partners and mentors. Our inspiration is to leave a better world for the following generations, our passion is to help the marginalized and / or vulnerable and take care of the environment, that is why we have developed several sustainable and social companies to leave a high impact on society. – Walter Mata, founder and president of WAS Company – Monica Guerrero, cofounder and COO of MWorks for WAS Co. – Julio Baca, COO of WAS Company. – Alejandro Vega and Daniela Fernández, Industrial Designers. – Fabián Rodríguez and Daniel Cruz, Civil Engineers. – Octavio Villanueva and Juan Ibarra, Sales. – Mariana Dávila and Daniela Charnichart, Sustainable impact and management. – Karen Garza, CMO of MWorks by WAS Co. – Renata Arias, MWorks CCO for WAS Co. – Diego Torres, Architect. – Dr. Edgar Cabrera, scientist and researcher at CONACYT