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Tip: We always encourage our partners to think about the value they can offer to all entrepreneurs who take the time and energy to submit an application for your program. Often, hundreds of applications are submitted, while only a handful is selected in the end.
Setting up the criteria section, you could add an additional comment field asking your judges to use it for feedback for the applicant. These judges, often experts and business professionals in the respective industry of your program, might have extremely valuable feedback or advice they would like to share with the applicant. It is your choice to make this a mandatory or optional section. The VC4A team is happy to help with the distribution of the feedback to the applicants after the adjudication has been finalized.
Tip: We advise adding a minimum of 3 judges per group to ensure the validity of the results. Depending of the length of your application form, and the thoroughness of your pre-screening efforts (explained in step 4 here), the rating can easily take up to 20 minutes per application. The more judges you have, the more judging groups, and the smaller the number of applications assigned to each group, the less time is required from each judge to do their part.
Example: You have received 500 applications and have already filtered out 450 of those during your pre-screening. In the adjudication environment, you now have the top 50. If you have 15 jury members, you could split them into 5 groups of 3 judges each. Each judge would then only have to rate 10 applications.
Tip: You want to randomly assign the applications? I.e. if you have 50 applications listed here and 5 judging groups. Select every 5th application starting from the top, and assign those to judging group 1. Now, starting with the second from the top, select every 5th application and assign them to judging group 2 and continue this until you have assigned each application.
Tip: Use this process description area to welcome your judges, thank them for their time, and explain the criteria. Although they can see the criteria on their rating cards when they start adjudicating, it is nice to list them here and mention each of their weights.