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Wamala Growers Cooperative Union Ltd


Chairperson – Nankabirwa Ann Maria 46 years with 20 years experience of leadership and management, a farmer and Entrepreneur, Agrobusiness manager (Kigoma Farm Ltd).
Vice Chairperson – Kuteesa Nsubuga Christopher (35 years of Cooperative Societies leadership and management and farmer
(5) Board members of the Board of whom (2) are woman and one is a Youth

Audit and Supervisory Committee:
Ssemakula Pascal – Chairperson (Professional Accountant and a youth)
Gwaliwa Christine – Committee member and a Teacher
Nkalubo Bulega – 30 years professional accountant Cooperative Management

Top Management Team
Secretary Manager – Mutyaba John ( 40 years working with Wamala Growers Cooperative factory manager, Auditor and Acting Secretary Manager, Has a Diploma in Cooperative Administration
Accountant – 35 years of experience working with Wamala Union. Professional Accountant
Production Manager – Zzizinga Ali ( Bsc in Agriculture and 35 years working Wamala Union

All team