Trinity solar Energy, We design, suppy, install, user train, and service solar systems. more 50% of population in Tanzania are not connected to the National Electricity grid in rural areas, and more than 70% of population in rural areas are not accessing clean and safe water for domestic use. By making solar PV system available in these villages reduces the mother and child death rate by making power available, improve the people business activities such as food preservation etc. By installation of water pumps near the residential areas assist the availability of clean and safe water. The solar business is potential because 1. It reduces the CO2 Emission by 40g/1Kwh/ hours. 2. It reduces the electricity bill by 12M Tzs i 20 years 3. Big number of population ie more than 50% of population is not connected to the grid 4. The Government is encouraging te investment in this alternative power source. Sectors Renewable energy, Solar power Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Anza > Anza Investment Readiness Accelerator FMO Ventures Program Contact Sign in to view details Social media