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Smile Waste RECYCLE today, save the future

The Eco Akan project consists of putting in place a sustainable sector and creating jobs that offer sustainable energy solutions for cooking in the home through the recovery of waste from agricultural activities in the cities of N’ dali and Tchaourou in solid biocombustibles for cooking food for the households of the city of Parakou. Concretely it will be: – develop an ecological fuel (based on the hulls of shea and maize cakes recovered in the communes of N’ Dali and Tchaourou) whose performances are similar to charcoal for the Same price or lower price; – put in place a logistics of technological equipment and digital processes necessary to supply the market continuously and quantity. This will involve the creation of a database of women’s cooperatives and the tooling of women’s cooperatives to optimise their activity in order to produce more waste to be exploited.

SectorsBiomass, Natural resource protection, Renewable energy
LocationAbomey Calavi, Benin
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