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Smile Waste RECYCLE today, save the future


SMILE WASTE is a company registered legally in Benin under RCCM RB/ABC/20 B 3620 of 7/12/2020 N ° IFU 3202012173147. It has opted for the recovery of waste in energy since 2020. It has 4 projects in development, in this case the project Eco-Akan in development in the city of Parakou where the first prototypes and studies have already been carried out. This project consists of the recovery of agricultural waste (cotton and shea hulls) in Borgou for the use of bio-coal in the town of Parakou. For example, we launched the design of a digital database of all cotton producers and women’s cooperatives of kernels in Beurre in Borgou. We plan to equip these women’s cooperatives with work tools (grinder, crushers) and train them on the use of these technologies in order to reduce the burden of work. Thus, they will produce more waste that we transform into charbo