Rural Farmers Hub Soil information api for Africa

Cover image of Rural Farmers Hub, Agritech venture on VC4A

Rural Farmers Hub

Rural Farmers Hub

Farmers don’t just scatter seeds on the land to grow food; they are constantly optimising these three critical factors: soil, water, and climate. Every successful farmer invests time and money in the best fertiliser blend to improve their soil. However, this process often requires complex soil tests and specialists to interpret the results, making it costly and time-consuming. Poor soil management wastes farm inputs, reduces crop yields, and contributes to environmental harm.

We are solving this problem through our digital agriculture platform for generating (i.e. predicting) soil information using just GPS coordinates, helping fertiliser and seeds market actors provide farmers with the right product and tailored blend that meets their soil needs, optimise crop management, and precision farming leading to enhanced yield performance.

Sectors Agritech, Artificial intelligence, Software as a Service
Location Gwarinpa, Nigeria
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