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Oaxacanita chocolate Providing eco-friendly livlihoods through artisanal chocolate

Cover image of Oaxacanita chocolate, Arts venture on VC4A

Oaxacanita chocolate

Oaxacanita chocolate

Oaxacanita chocolate is the first chocolate company in Mexico that works directly with marginalized and proudly indigenous communities of the Mixtec Region of Oaxaca: the poorest region of Mexico. Through the production of artisanal chocolate we have built a collaborative and a productive chain that involves the work of 30 families of cocoafarmers, traditional cooks and palm artisans who work from the cultivation of cocoa to the put into the market of the product. We are the only chocolate company that has been awarded as one of the best social projects internationally by different personalities and organizations as Former President Barack Obama and the U.S. Government, The International Youth Foundation, Facebook, TED, the Organization of American States and the Westerwelle Foundation.

Secteurs Arts, Culture agricole, Production alimentaire
Emplacement Tamazulapan del Progreso, Mexique
Etape Se connecter pour afficher les détails
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Recettes $ < 50 ko
Équipe 26 ETP, 1 fondateur
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Les médias sociaux

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