Koltin The first senior health insurance in Latam


Eduardo Ortiz, CEO, MBA.
In his last job, Edu managed the portfolio in Mexico for an early-stage inclusive fintech fund where he worked closely with a digital insurance company and a BNPL company that went on to raise over $5M in funding. He has worked with over 100 startups from across LatAm.

Carmen Rosillo, COO
Carmen is a second-time, same-industry founder. She previously co-founded Bamba, a company that provides insurance to domestic workers in Mexico. She ran operations and grew the user base from 0 to over 5k with a 78% retention rate (industry average is below 40%).

Our advisory team has experience in healthcare, aging, engineering, and financial products for the BoP.

– Eduardo Ortiz (eduardo@koltin.com.mx, +525620770757)
– Carmen Rosillo (carmen@koltin.com.mx, +525628502149)

– Luis Perez Reyna, Sales Lead
– Adrian Galicia, Tech Lead
– Thalía Rojas, Digital Growth Lead
– MD Areli Perez, Care Lead
– +4 additional employees.