Hatchplus Success for Small-Holders, Unlocking Potential, Maximizing Profits

Cover image of Hatchplus, Animal farming venture on VC4A

HATCHPLUS is a leading provider of cutting-edge digital agriculture solutions that significantly enhance productivity, profitability and resource efficiency. We offer a range of innovative products, including the Smart Egg Incubator. This state-of-the-art system is not only low-cost but also solar-powered, providing a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for hatching eggs into healthy chicks. Our model is designed to cater to underserved smallholders, offering unparalleled flexibility that is particularly beneficial for low-income earners by eliminating equipment ownership& allowing them to conveniently access and utilize our station as a service.

Our decentralized hatching station has significantly reduced the cost of day-old chicks by over 60%,making them the most affordable.The strategically located stations address accessibility challenges by being close to farmers’ workplaces. Additionally, the solar-powered stations enable remote farmers without grid access to benefit fr

SectorsAnimal farming, Farm machinery
LocationKigali, Rwanda
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