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Haile Wako Integrated Farm Climate-smart seeds production & its supply system

Cover image of Haile Wako Integrated Farm, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Haile Wako Integrated Farm

Haile Wako Integrated Farm

Haile Wako Integrated Farm is an agribusiness engaged in the production of high-yield variety seeds by itself & sign a contractual agreement with small-holder farmers via the out-grower scheme to address food security challenges in Ethiopia. Post-harvesting of seeds, our farm collects seeds, tags on packaging materials compete for the tender bids on the UN website. Given won the bids, then the farm supplies its seeds to UN FAO &; other NGOs like ICRC, Save the Children, etc. Hence, the buyers also redistribute the seeds to the pro-poor farmers in different regions of the country. These pro-poor farmers have greatly benefited from the seeds they obtained to enhance their production & productivity, and improve their livelihoods. Besides this, the farm has a plan also to establish an aquaponics farm along with a seed business by establishing small-scale farms then shift to a commercial aquaponics farm to produce tilapia fish & to export legumes too.

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