Team Viviana Clavijo, Chief Executive Officer, PhD, Chemical Engineer, Microbiologist. Experience +15 years with technology and commercial relationships with pharma, veterinary and food companies Andrés Clavijo, Chief Economic Officer, MSc, Economist, Expert in data analytics and advanced strategy development and advanced strategy development Martha Cepeda, Transfer Technology Advisor, MSc, Biologist, Certified Technology Transfer Officer with experience in the development of biotechnology-based start-ups Juan Orlando Bautista, Strategy Advisor, Agronomist, MBA, Expert in the global veterinary products business for more than 15 years, including bacteriophages. Advisor to companies such as Eli Lily,Champion Animal Health Santiago Hernandez, Chief Technical Officer, PhD, Chemical Engineer, Microbiologist,+8 years of experience Andrea Varon, Regulatory Advisor, Mgtr in food safety, Food Engineer, Advisor of regulatory processes in the poultry sector,Advisor to FENAVI,ICA and poultry com