Ciencia Y Tecnología de FAGOS Sciphage SAS Sciphage, Using the power of Phages to Improve global health

Cover image of Ciencia Y Tecnología de FAGOS Sciphage SAS, Animal farming venture on VC4A

SciPhage,a biotech company founded by innovative scientists with +15 years of experience,focuses on developing organic bioproducts using bacteriophage technology to combat bacterial problems addressing global bacterial resistance concern.Our technology target animal health bacterial challenges,adding value to production systems,enhancing production performance,making food safer and reducing antimicrobial usage.Our expertise lies in creating optimal bacteriophage mixtures for specific pathogens and providing technical support to end users. Also, we have the expertise and infrastructure to manufacture according to regulations.We currently have a product in the precommercialization phase for the control of Salmonella in poultry with patents in Colombia,USA and Brazil,and a product in the field validation phase for the control of Weissella in trout.Proudly, multiplying benefits for our clients between 5-7X and demonstrating the broad applications and potential impact of our technology.

Sectors Animal farming, Fish farming, Food production
Location Mosquera, Colombia
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