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Biomasr Ltd Agricultural waste management and biogas contractors

Cover image of Biomasr Ltd, Biocarburants venture on VC4A

Our core focus lies in implementing small-scale biogas and gasification units, as well as developing fertilizer solutions tailored to the needs of small farmers. With over 700 biogas units and 2 gasification plants successfully deployed, we have become pioneers in the field, revolutionizing the way agricultural waste is managed across the region.
The importance of our work cannot be overstated. Agriculture is the lifeblood of many African economies, providing livelihoods for millions of people. However, traditional farming practices often result in significant amounts of waste, which not only pollute the environment but also represent a missed opportunity for resource recovery. This is where Biomasr steps in.
By harnessing the power of biogas and gasification technologies, we convert agricultural waste into clean, renewable energy sources. Our biogas units efficiently process organic materials, generating biogas that can be used for cooking, heating, or even electricity generation.

Secteurs Biocarburants, Services environnementaux, Gestion et recyclage des déchets
Emplacement Égypte
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