Unreasonable East Africa Institute

Let your ideas take flight!

The 2016 Unreasonable East Africa Institute is taking place between July and August, 2016 (exact dates to be announced). We will be uniting 12-15 carefully vetted companies from around East Africa, in Kampala, Uganda, where we will intensively work with them alongside our 80+ impressive mentors to get them into the best possible shape to grow. We will then expose and connect them to our network of 550+ funders so that they can raise funding. But it does not end there. We and the entire Unreasonable network will continue to support them for the life of their company and beyond… or at least until the world’s problems cease to exist. Our goal is to help each of these companies grow and eventually scale up to meaningfully impact the lives of over 1 million people each. 

Open to companies that:

– Operate in Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania

– Are for-profit or non-profit

– Have achieved significant traction in their market already, meaning they have some customers/users and have started generating revenues.

– Have released their product/service, gained feedback from their target population, and then iterated their product to better meet the demand. In short, they have “market intimacy”.

– Have a strong business model

Accelerate your startup at the 2016 Unreasonable East Africa Institute! Get training from 80+ world-class mentors, work closely with an in house finance team, connect with dozens of funders, and join a community of 100+ entrepreneurs from 45 countries! All this happens under one roof for 5 weeks 2016. BE UNREASONABLE. Apply by 4 December 2015

To apply go to: http://unreasonableeastafrica.org/apply/


December 4, 2015
Program dates Jul 4 - Aug 5, 2016
Organizer SHONA
Targets Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Agribusiness, Education, Financial services, Food and beverage, Healthcare, Renewable energy, Transport and logistics, Water, sanitation and hygiene
