Unreasonable East Africa 2018

Let your ideas take flight

We are looking for high potential unreasonable entrepreneurs that we can put our resources behind!

Who We’re Looking For

We typically work with high potential companies that:

  • Are generating annual revenues of at least $20,000
  • Have a viable business model.
  • Are 3-5 years old, unless there is a significant pivot/product/reason that has shifted the working/thinking of the business.
  • Have a foundational team of at least 2 people in place who are capable and committed to seeing the vision and mission through.

Additionally, we look for high potential entrepreneurs who are:

  • Bold visionaries that are highly ambitious for what their companies can achieve in terms of revenue and impact.
  • Ethical and have strong integrity.
  • Hungry to learn.
  • Exemplary at executing the work needed to achieve the vision and success of the company.

A selected company must be able to send a CEO or co-founder with significant decision making power in the company to attend our program. This is because real-time decisions will be made over the course of the boot camp and it would be unproductive and ineffective for you, your company and our experts to come to a decision which could not be immediately implemented due to a chain of command.

While the following criteria reflect the kinds of companies we target as ideal candidates for our programme, we do not believe in blindly following the rules. If you don’t meet one or more of these characteristics, then convince us that you deserve a spot at our programme and apply anyway! That’s what it means to be UNREASONABLE! Please do not hesitate to contact Angela if you have any questions at angela@unreasonableeastafrica.org.

We are passionate about one thing and one thing alone

Finding the best entrepreneurs and surrounding them with ALL THE RESOURCES that they need to grow – this is the main thing that keeps our team going, and also that keeps us up at night. We are heavily invested in the successes of the entrepreneurs with whom we have partnered. If you are looking for a true thought partner to help bear the burden of growing a successful company, then you need to consider our program.

Please note that our support NEVER ends – only the 10 months do :). We continue to make introductions, support you during funding raises, connect you to mentors, and provide you with and you have unlimited access to the UEA network of mentors, peers, investors and partners. We view learning and growth as a process that takes several years and happens in multiple phases.


December 29, 2018
Organizer SHONA
Website Visit website
Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Sectors Sector agnostic

