MedUP! Lebanon

الحل عندك You've got the solution



The MedUP! Fund is part of the intervention of the MedUP! project which focuses on strengthening and promoting Social Entrepreneurship in 6 southern Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). The project is financed by the European Union (under Reference EuropeAid/155554/DH/ACT/Multi) andIs implemented by Oxfam in partnership with several European and southern Mediterranean partners. In Lebanon, the project is implemented by Oxfam in Lebanon.

New Publication: Social Enterprise: Legal Registration Case Study”. 

The study presents the legal options available to Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian Social Enterprises (SEs) for registering as per the Lebanese Laws. The case study has been presented and discussed in December 2019 by different members of the SE ecosystem in Lebanon. 

MedUP! Lebanon

MedUP! Lebanon


June 15, 2019
Program dates Mar 1, 2018-Feb 28, 2022
Website Visit website
Targets Lebanon
Sectors Sector agnostic



  • Profile picture of Giada Cicognola
    Giada Cicognola posted an update on the Funding Opportunity page MedUP! Lebanon.

    New Publication: “Social Enterprise: Legal Registration Case Study”. 

    The study presents the legal options available to Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian Social Enterprises (SEs) for registering as per the Lebanese Laws. The case study has been presented and discussed in December 2019 by different members of the SE ecosystem in Lebanon.