Knowing the limitations of the types of investments available should not be underestimated. Grants can help founders kickstart an MVP and prove or validate a business model but they can also disincentivize creativity and ambition in an organization. In this hack, Dotun reminds founders not to get slowed down or derailed from their mission by seeking the type of investment that keeps their venture competitive and on track. VentureReady Hacks with Dotun Olowoporoku Startup Setup series Maybe you are figuring out what kind of company to set up or exploring an idea you want to develop; You may have a few doubts, dilemmas, misconceptions, and questions that you’d like to clear up for yourself before you quit your day job. Starting a business is a major decision not to be taken lightly, but it’s also a great adventure. Like everything in life, the way you start is likely to have a lingering impact on everything that follows. The Startup Setup series of hacks is about helping you prepare for life as a startup founder or leader. The best advice you can get is from those who successfully traveled that same path, who are farther along in their journey, or who have spent a lot of time in the ecosystem working alongside budding entrepreneurs. Next steps If you liked that knowledge nugget, you will enjoy the Start Your Business course in the VC4A Startup Academy For realtime expert guidance click through to the Mentorship Marketplace where you can make a mentorship request to hundreds of mentors Discover advice on how to initiate, structure and develop a great relationship with mentors in the Mentorwise Podcast Learn about resilience strategies and get priceless advice from some of our community’s most successful startup founders in the Founder Series podcast entrepreneurship founder series founders grants growth investment Mentorwise startup startup setup vc4a ventureready hacks