Innovative solutions in the water, sanitation and solid waste sector


Since 2009, the Inter-American Development Bank and FEMSA Foundation have awarded the BIDFEMSA Award for Water and Sanitation Innovation, in order to recognize the most innovative solutions in the water, sanitation and solid waste sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean, which have achieved measurable progress and results, improving the quality and access to these services.

Innovative solutions provided by enterprises, products, initiatives or services play a key role and contribute to improving lives; as well as responding in an innovative way to the most urgent challenges and problems in the water, sanitation and solid waste sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In the 2020 edition, the first places in the following three categories will be awarded: Category 1: Water

Category 2: Sanitation

Category 3: Solid Waste

The innovative solution in water will also be recognized, Solid sanitation and/or waste addressing the Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue in an original way. Due to the social distancing measures taken by the global coronavirus pandemic, the BID-FEMSA award will be held in 2020 in a virtual way for the entire cycle (bid, selection of finalists, bootcamp, award ceremony and selection of winners)


Will you be part of a very creative and innovative entrepreneurship, product, initiative or service focused on water, sanitation or solid waste that is improving lives in Latin America and the Caribbean? If your answer is yes, this contest is for you.

Sign up for the IDB-FEMSA 2020 Award. The initial jury will select among the participants a maximum of 7 finalists, who will have the opportunity to compete for the final prize and present in a virtual way live their solutions in front of a jury and an audience composed of experts from the field of water, sanitation and solid waste worldwide, gathered during the ceremony of virtual awards to be held in the month of December 2020.

The selected finalists, who meet the eligibility criteria, will participate in an intensive training program (bootcamp) for social innovators, where they will have the opportunity to meet with high-level mentors.

In this edition, three BID winners will be selected-FEMSA 2020. The jury will choose for each category, (i) Water, (ii) Sanitation and (iii) Solid Waste, a startup, product, initiative or service winner of the first place, which must have between six (6) months and four (4) years of operation.

The winners in each category will receive a monetary prize as follows:


Additionally, the following honorable mentions will be awarded:

    • Mention I: For a business, product, initiative, or service finalist between six (6) months and two (2) years of operation.
    • Honor Mention II:For a business, product, initiative, or service finalist between two (2) and four (4) years of operation.
    • Special COVID-19 Recognition: In a world in a pandemic situation, where emergencies are unexpectedly presented, the innovative solution in water, sanitation and/or solid waste that addresses the Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue will be recognized in an original way.


    To know all eligibility criteria, ENTERS HERE


August 9, 2020
Program dates Oct 9 - Aug 3, 2020
OrganizerBID – Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Website Visit website
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela
Sectors Waste management and recycling, Water, sanitation and hygiene
