FLHW Healthcare Innovation Program

Strenghtening Capacity of Frontline Healthcare Workers

Villgro Africa, in partnership with Johnson & Johnson Impact Ventures (JJIV) on behalf of the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, is initiating a call for healthcare innovations / companies in East Africa that strengthen the capacity of frontline healthcare workers (FLHW) while improving access and quality of care.

FLHWs are the backbone of any effective health system and are often embedded in the community and / or come from the community they serve. They play a critical role in providing a local context for proven health solutions and connect families and communities to the health system. They often take on significant personal risk, demonstrate resilience and creativity, and are rarely adequately appreciated for the work they do. FLHWs include community health workers, midwives, pharmacists, nurses, clinical officers, and doctors who serve in community clinics near people in need.

Possible themes for applicants include:

  1. Training & Capacity Building: Human resources for health (HRH) strengthening, continuing professional development, data driven decision support. 
  2. Logistics & Medical Supplies: Last-mile access to medical supplies and vaccines at the front line at the time they need it most. 
  3. Telehealth / Tele-Medicine Platforms: Prongs to the community to reduce the healthcare worker coverage gap. 
  4. Access to Knowledge and Information by FLHW: Electronic medical records (EMR) and platforms that increase access to patient data and to health guidelines and  protocols.
  5. Maternal and Child Health: Access to antenatal care visits and early childhood development services, especially in the face of COVID-19. 
  6. Others

Companies applying should meet these criteria: 

  • Innovative and working in East Africa
  • Impact potential for frontline healthcare workers
  • Proven business model with revenue generation
  • Multidisciplinary team

For additional information, please contact Edwin Osora at edwin@villgroafrica.org


November 10, 2021
Organizer Villgro Africa
Website Visit website
Targets Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Biotechnology and medical research, Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services, Medical equipment and supplies
SDG (6)
1. No Poverty, 10. Reduced Inequality, 3. Good Health and Well-being, 5. Gender Equality, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

