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Zwart Tech Bridging the tech talent gap between Africa and the West.

Cover image of Zwart Tech,  venture on VC4A

Zwarttech was founded to leave a positive impact on society. Being a mindful tech startup, we aim to sustainably address the unemployment challenge that Africa is facing and, at the same time, bridge the rising tech gap in the West. Enabling equal partnership between the continents and a perfect match.

We envision a bright, sustainable future for the African youth.

We understand the struggles of skilled African youth when it comes to securing their careers. The African economy does not generate enough quality employment opportunities to ensure each of its skilled workforces is working on a decent job and living a good quality of life. African talents either move away from their loved ones to economically stable countries, searching for job opportunities or settle for less than what they deserve in their home countries. Most times, they move abroad detaches them from their families and does not give them a chance to boost their local economy with their skills.

Secteurs -
Emplacement Den Haag, Pays-Bas
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