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Yadell´s Harvesting organic raspberries for distribution and marketing

Managing an organization in order to make it viable, competitive and sustainable over time forces processes to be optimized, no waste, and innovation to be constant over time. To this end, the need has been imposed for organizations to have their business models designed, as an instrument of corporate structuring. The business model of a business is a simplified representation of the business logic. Describes what a business offers its clients, as well as Yadell’s is born from the development of an academic project in the career of Administration Area Development and Evaluation of Projects by the Technological University of Huejotzingo; where one of our members observed a great business opportunity on the production of raspberries. From this criterion, a different approach was taken, where the activities of growing, producing, distributing and marketing the fr

SectorsAgribusiness, Business services, Crop farming
LocationSan Martín Texmelucan de Labastida, Mexico
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