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Wimrob Bees Company Limited Dedicated to building and expanding the honey value chain in Uganda

Wimrob Bees Company Limited

Wimrob Bees Company Limited

Wimrob built a link from honey production sites (producers) to consumers via retail (national super markets) and export (to Western markets).
Wimrob works with beekeeping farmers in West Nile, Karamoja, Acholi, Lango and Teso Sub region for six years now. Wimrob experience a challenge of poor quality and quantity of honey produced. This has resulted into bee keepers in the region receiving low price for the honey products which affects their income and livelihoods. There is insufficient bee forages as a results of deforestation, this has caused climate change and the growing population/human pressure from producing food, and this is hindering production of quality honey as bees’ lacks forages/flowers.
Wimrob plans to create employment opportunity for 1,000 young men and women in honey value chain, the integration of smart apiculture (bees and woodlots) would boost climate change, plants/crop yields as well as providing bee forage, pollination services and conservation of biodiversit

Location Lira, -
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