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WEYE Clean Energy Co. Ltd Using social business as atool to promote clean cooking


Mr. Kakembo Galabuzi Brian (Me) has his bachelor’s degree in commerce (finance major) with an expert certificate in sustainable energy design. I am the founder and overall head of the company. He is also oversees the finance department. Eng. Nassanga Rhodah has her Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and she specializes in environmental impact analysis of our business, Eng. Kyeswa Philip has his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and electronics Engineering and he is incharge of the machinery and the systems of the company. Phillip has experience starting and running a start up as he is the co-founder of a startups called PEEC Energy in Uganda and was a product design engineer in Monicont Systems in Turkey.
Mr. Kibira Jim Davis, Bachelor’s degree in psychology and Masters in renewable energy, he is incharge of the marketing and sales for the company.