Wainuqa Farmers’ Co-operative Limited is a Community Food Chips processing venture, Registered as a Co-operative in 2019 and commissioned in August 2020 with 95 shareholders of village folk, the factory has been set up to ensure entrepreneurship for our people which in turn provides support for obligations to the Church and the Village. . The Co-operative currently sources its raw materials from the 80 local farmers, of which 10 are Women. We are also changing how village women are involved in commercial community ventures. 40% of our women are shareholder 25% women hold Board membership, 13% of the total Farmers suppling our factory are Women and 94% of women are process workers. Capacity building is a need for the Buisness due to the villagers lack of formal education and access to finance to push our products for overseas markets. Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Production alimentaire Emplacement Nabulini, Fidji Etape Se connecter pour afficher les détails Marchés Se connecter pour afficher les détails Modèle client Se connecter pour afficher les détails Contact Se connecter pour afficher les détails Les médias sociaux