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Veget Solutions, VS ltd Now easy, Your Food, Your health

Cover image of Veget Solutions, VS ltd, Agri-entreprise venture on VC4A

Veget Solutions, VS ltd

Veget Solutions, VS ltd

Contribution to SDGs 3 & 12: Good health & Wellbeing and Responsible Consumption and Production.
Subsistence Women farmers will be economically empowered in a sustainable way, hence active role in building self-reliance 0ut growing farmers vegetable production will be sustainably commercialized.

[VS] leveraging technology to manufacture and spread nutritious ready to use vegetable powders to market for homes with high dependence ratios and 60% of their income is in either subsistence farming or farm labor wedge from agriculture to use our products to complement diets:
The key questions to be addressed:
1. Do markets take away these nutritious vegetables from farmers?
2. Do cooking methods and diet preparations influence nutrition?

Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Production alimentaire, Fabrication
Emplacement Kigali, République Du Rwanda
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