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Vary Malagasy direct trade, rice for every malagasy at right price

Cover image of Vary Malagasy, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Vary Malagasy was created in order to improve direct and fair trade in Madagascar, its more than 70T rice sold online every month.
Our idea is to help the final client to get the right price directly from the best peasant, and tackle all the middle man between. Since two years from now, we put in place the logistics and people and software to get the job done, we proved in small square that’s its work with hand to hand paiement with all the risk to be robbed any time.
This year we setup a pre-order paiement with the help of mobil money operators, to get the peasant closer than before to their final clients with a safe money transaction, with this process paiement set. We target to get into large quantity sold online with the same method all over the country.

SectorsAgribusiness, E-commerce, Food production
LocationAntananarivo, Madagascar
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