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Urchinomics Restoring kelp forests through responsible sea urchin ranching

Cover image of Urchinomics, Environmental services venture on VC4A

Urchinomics helps restore kelp forests by removing overgrazing sea urchins from urchin barrens, ranching them in proprietary aquaculture systems, and converting them into premium seafood. The urchin roe (“uni”) is then sold to top tier distributors, restaurants, and consumers globally.

The company now has the world’s first commercial scale urchin ranch in Japan, and has proven its ability to ranch urchins at pilot scale in Japan, Norway, and North America. Urchinomics is now trying to validate the technology platform and supply chain at commercial scale while simultaneously setting the foundation for growth with new pilot scale launches.

SectorsEnvironmental services, Fish farming, Food and beverage
LocationIJmuiden, Netherlands
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