Choix de la langue Promote accessibility to services on Health and Socioeconomic needs .


1.Founder;Joel Alex Olang;BA in International Relations and Diplomacy with IT at Maseno University,is the founder of Urban Art For Hope and the mHealth App, YALI EA RLC alumni. a Resolution Social Venture Challenge(SVC)at the Harvard National Model United Nations semi-finalist.( }
2.Co-founder;Rodgers Omondi Kongina;a public health expert currently pursuing his PhD in Health Economics and Policy (Health care financing option) at University of Cape town and holds a Master’s in Public health (epidemiology and biostatistics option) from Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology JKUAT Kenya, Masters of science in Health Economics and policy analysis from University of Nairobi, Bachelor of Art Sociology and Economics(Moi University) post graduate certification in research and consultancy (Makerere University), Diploma in clinical medicine and surgery, a Certified Project planning and management consultant.(}.