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Uni-Bro Farming Source Limited Uni-Bro Farming Source Limited is a registered global Agtech company

Cover image of Uni-Bro Farming Source Limited, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Let us help ourselves as humans.
Joining hands to achieve a single aim can help that aim be achieved at a fast pace. As we see across the globe, a lot of countries are suffering from scarcity and the high price of food products. Food is something that provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances that provide: energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm; materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system healthy. The above shows how important food is in this world, not just food but healthy food. Let’s rebuild this together. We at Unibro farming source want to start our own farm and produce a variety of foods for countries that are suffering from food scarcity, high food prices, etc., such as Nigeria. Investing in our mission would not only help move the mission at a fast pace but also earn you money as we grow. Unibro farming source is a registered company in Nigeria.

SectorsAgribusiness, Animal farming, Farm machinery
LocationIlorin, Nigeria
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