As the university community is defined by time-cuffed schedules; between normal academic schedules and managing personal endeavours, UMScope brings the market within and around the university to the fingertips of its users. They use UMScope as a way to redefine their experience of “University life”, allowing them to better manage their time and experience the most out of what their environment offers them.
This differs from the services of conventional e-commerce platforms in that the online marketplace presented by UMScope is a collection of locally sourced vendors including student entrepreneurs and artisans, ensuring that every good/service requested on the platform is delivered swiftly; contrary to 3-7days deliveries as experienced on conventional e-commerce platforms. This is an elaboration of the location specificity feature our commerce platform (UMScope) is equipped with.
Sectors | E-commerce, Fintech |
Location | Lagos, Nigeria |
Stage | Sign in to view details |
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Customer model | Sign in to view details |
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