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Ujead Akeza Make pure & shine your skin wit

Cover image of Ujead Akeza, Manufacturing venture on VC4A

UJEAD AKEZA as a local initiative, it improve the food-system in many ways;
– The initiative uses local agricultural products such as potatoes, cucumber, carrot, honey,milk,tumeric and so on. Those products had no market in my village because they were only used for food. Now, farmers of those products have got market which have changed their way of feeding their families.
– We are making transformation of local products cultivated mostly by rural women. Those mothers had not used to gain benefit of growing carrots, cucumber, tumeric, gingers or even their milk were only used for tea. But since we started this innovation, we buy from them those products. Then, they go on market and buy what they need to satisfy their food-system?
– We also give past time job to rural community when it come to product transportation and transformation. They also used the transformed producted to recover the skin having skin diseases this help them to better work in their farms.

LocationBujumbura, Burundi
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