Team Tuverl has two Co-Founders: Hope Ndhlovu (CEO) from Zimbabwe and Bahlakoana Mabetha (CTO) from Lesotho. Growing up in Africa gave us a first-hand experience with using Public Transport in Africa. We met when we were both undergraduates at Harvard University. We are both technical Co-Founders and we have been building the product. Hope Ndhlovu holds a B.A. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Harvard University. Bahlakoana Mabetha, holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Harvard University. He is currently studying a PHD in Power Electronics at Dartmouth University in Hanover, USA. Our Board of Directors also Includes Joel Beus, who is our legal counsel. He joined the Board of Directors to represent RevRoad LLC. Our Board of Advisers includes Wolf Ruzicka, Helen Manich the President of Manich Strategies Inc, Matt Caywood, and Diego Canales. They all have experience working at or with Public Transport related companies in the USA and developing countries.