Tunisia Baits Alternative source of protein production based on circular process

Cover image of Tunisia Baits, Clean technology venture on VC4A

Tunisia Baits

Tunisia Baits

The aquaculture industry is increasing exponentially, the major problem of this industry is the feeding of fish and shellfish.
For shrimp farming, the pellet that are used for shrimp feed’s is not very suitable and does not give good results in terms of shrimp reproduction and survival rates.
Pellet production generate lot of waste, high carbon footprint and dont contribute to a sustainable aquaculture.
Shrimp breeders are always looking for live feed to their shrimp broodstock, if they find, its expensive and can contain virus which harm their shrimp.
In addition, to eliminate the competition with the ever-increasing human diet, we must seek new sources of protein to feed them to animals and more specifically to the aquaculture industry.

SectorsClean technology, Clean technology and energy, Fish farming
LocationBizerte, Tunisia
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