Toothpick Company Ltd., Kenya (Toothpick Project) Improving food security with a agri-biotech revolution against weeds


Our founding team includes Dr. David Sands, Florence Oyosi, and Claire Baker, with foundational support from Dr. Peter Luth, Henry Sila Nzioki (lead Kenya scientist, employed by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, contracted by TCL). Luth was the leading funder in the establishment of our company. he brought in the large German NGO, Welthungerhilfe (WHH), as part of their strategic pillar to invest in social enterprise models (TCL is their first such effort). WHH initial support has been instrumental in our start up launch – providing office space, use of vehicles, HR policies, and board leadership. Additionally we have received funding (DBU German Environmental Foundation) through WHH (with financial management through WHH’s grants team). Our team is diverse, with a gender balance and representation from three continents. All paid employees are Kenyan with extensive agriculture experience in western Kenya.