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TONUS Healthy Drinks Healthy Drink's for Healthy People and for a Healthy Life ! https://tonusdrin

Cover image of TONUS Healthy Drinks, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

TONUS Healthy Drinks

TONUS Healthy Drinks

With a range of natural juices, we are proposing a different way of consuming local fruit, on a daily basis and in a sustainable way, by transforming it for the well-being of our communities.
At COVID 19, we realized that the closure of borders meant that fruit was rotting, polluting the streets and depriving people of certain fruits that were beneficial to their well-being and strengthening their immune systems.
By transforming these local crops, we proposed a solution to this problem.
We progressively researched and studied the processing of different fruits and their virtues, such as soursop, which has a proven therapeutic virtue, beetroot and lemongrass.
As a result, beetroot, bay leaves, dates and soursop are transformed into natural juices that can be consumed for one to two years, for the well-being of our communities.

LocationDouala, Cameroon
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