The SmartFarm Supporting next generation farming

Even though 70% of Nigerians are involved in Agriculture, Nigeria still spends over 1 billion Naira on food importation. This is because farmers in Nigeria are smallholder farmers cultivating less than 3 acres and record low yield. With technology, farmers can get access to data that will help them make better  decisions that will boost farm yield.

SmartFarm is a  commercial farming estate equipped with technology which monitors and provides data about the soil, crop health and weather so farmers get informed on what, when, and how to plant. Beginning farmers can farm with access to these technology at an affordable rate and have a profitable agriculture business. 

SmartFarm uses digital agricultural platform to connect with manufacturers and product is aggregated to meet the supply need of local food processors.

SectorsAgribusiness, Crop farming, Food and beverage
LocationIbadan, Nigeria
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