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The Good Roll Toilet paper that builds toilets

Cover image of The Good Roll, Agri-entreprise venture on VC4A

The Good Roll

The Good Roll

We, The Good Roll, stand for radical change within the toilet paper industry. Currently this industry is accountable for 14% of the deforestation. Next to that, 2.3 billion people have no access to clean and safe sanitation.

Since 2017 we sell recycled and bamboo toilet paper. Bamboo, famous for growing 30 times faster than trees and being a real carbon killer. Within the Netherlands we are a known brand. Not only because of our toilet paper, but also because of our story. We are toilet paper that builds toilets, of which over 230 units have been built.

We are raising funds to become the first Fair Trade toilet paper in 2024. To become this, we will work with Ghanaian smallholder farmers, acquire their bamboo and convert it into bamboo pulp sheets. This half fabricate will then be shipped to Europe and converted into toilet paper in one of our partner factories. Since that is where our clients are located, quality is higher and shipping costs are heavily reduced.

Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Fabrication, Commerce de détail
Emplacement Weesp, Pays-Bas
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