The Cattlerz Large number of diseases are caused by low-quality meat? Most of germs in cities are caused by rotten food waste. For household heat requirement tons of wood is being burnt. Proposing circular business model working on 0% wastage. Model contributes to ten out of 17 SDGs. We sell cattle products chickens, goats, cows, milk & eggs. Introducing a 5 click buying & selling system. Where people can sell their products; cattle/eggs from their home, providing decent income chances. We’ll establish a self-sustained farm, to meet max efficiency & reduce wastes. Animal manure produces methane gas, which directly affects the ozone layer. We’ll collect dung to convert it in heat & electric energy by biogas plant. Residue of biogas will go into ‘Dung stick plant’ to convert it into dung sticks: efficient & cheaper than wood for burning. Renewable energy will fulfill farm energy needs Providing all in one solution at doorstep. Model has multiple revenue streams. Idea easily r Sectors Animal farming, Food production, Renewable energy Location Hyderabad, Pakistan Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Supported by OXFAM Impact SME's Development Programme Contact Sign in to view details Social media