Taimba Data-Driven Food Supply Chain Platform.


Dominique Kavuisya: CEO/Co-Founder
• Worked in US and Africa as software engineer and program director for FMCG, Telcom and financial companies.
• Formerly with Diageo focused on developing and executing supply chain automations and ddigital ccannels across Africa markets.
• Rolled strategic and innovative technology solutions and accelerated growth in market share and top-line for the company.
• Holds BSC and MSC Information System Technology.

Joan Kavuisya: CTO/Co-Founder
• Worked in US and Africa as business analyst, project manager for technology and transportation companies.
• Formerly with Stanbic Bank focused on payments digitization and customer user experience (UX).
• Championed process re-engineering and continuous improvement as key element to deliver great products for east Africa markets.
• Holds BBIT and MBA project management.
