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Swapbase Data Science For Digitisation and Decentralisation of Data


Daniel Olaniyan has experience in product development, business strategy, marketing and design thinking. Daniel is an alumnus of the British Council Business Acceleration Bootcamp. He is an Ashoka Changemaker Xchange Fellow which is a network of young social entrepreneurs across the world that collaborate, co-create and co-innovate on projects. Daniel is a recipient of the Merck XInnovation Award.
Tosin Dairo is a Data Scientist with a Masters Degree in Health Data Science from the University of Manchester. He is a Natural Language Processing Data Scientist. Tosin has 3 years of experience building models.
Ridwan A Otun is a software engineer pushing the boundaries in the application of Blockchain technology to Identity and finance. He has over 5 years experience building scalable, resilient and fault tolerant backend infrastructures that solve real business needs.