40 % of the food products are lost each year after the harvest (FAO), of the remaining 60 %, producers are finding it difficult to sell them, and often at a lower price than the market, because of the non-availability of markets. We propose SOUTRAMARKET to solve these problems: an agricultural market square B to B, to help agricultural cooperatives sell their products at reasonable prices and avoid post-harvest losses. Our process is simple: we register the cooperative, before and during production, then we seek markets from distributors and companies, finally we deliver the product as soon as it is available. We certainly have competitors, but we are already very active in the field through the buying and selling of food products. With SOUTRAMARKET it is 100 agricultural cooperatives, or 5,000 farmers who will see their improved living conditions! SOUTRAMARKET for you will remember when there are Sectors Agribusiness Location Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Orange Corners - HQ Contact Sign in to view details Social media