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Soltair Reinventing Cool - Solar Thermal Air Conditioning/Heating & Hot Water

Cover image of Soltair, Clean technology and energy venture on VC4A



SOLTAIR – Disruptive Tech – Solar Thermal Air conditioning/heating/hot water solution Raising Series A $2.5M
Air conditioner/heating primarily powered directly by the sun’s heat.

400% higher efficiency (SEER), 60% lower monthly electrical bills, 60% less Climate Impact

Same cost after rebates and incentives as current ac units – instantly starts saving money and paying for itself

Hurricane operational, only needs 200W to run HVAC @50% load

Slows Global warming by reducing carbon emissions by 99.7% of HVAC operations.

SectorsClean technology and energy, Renewable energy, Solar power
LocationTequesta, United States of America
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