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Solercool technologies Ltd Ai for zero food waste

Cover image of Solercool technologies Ltd, Agritech venture on VC4A

Solercool technologies Ltd

Solercool technologies Ltd

Solercool is aware that whether you’re a farmer, Market vendor restaurant, grocery store, convenience store, bakery, coffee shop, cafe, hotel, food truck, or flower store, we know it’s difficult to sell all of your food products by the end of the day and its this unsold , unconsumed food that contributes to more than 8% of the food waste related green gas emissions .
@ Solerchil technologies,
We make, rent and even sell solar powered cold Storage Space to organized farmers groups, food Market vendors groups, restaurant owners to safely preserve their edible unsold food .We go on to link them to customers that are willing to buy their perfectly good edible un sold food products that are almost reaching expiry at half price using Ai chatbot .

SectorsAgritech, Clean technology, Waste management and recycling
LocationCincinnati, United States of America
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