Soil Carbon Co. The world's smallest organisms solving the world's biggest problem

Cover image of Soil Carbon Co., Crop farming venture on VC4A

There are two crises threatening our future: too much carbon in the atmosphere, and not enough carbon in the soil. Soil Carbon Co. has a single solution to both problems. Our seed coating technology harnesses tiny dark microbes that have the power to return huge amounts of CO2 back to the soil and lock it away for the long term. The microbes also help increase carbon in the soil, boosting fertility, resilience, and productivity on farmland. Our technology gives farmers a “second crop” in the form of carbon credits, and corporations the chance to decarbonise, going above and beyond carbon neutral targets. The opportunity to restore the world’s agricultural soils, address climate change, and turn carbon into an asset lies just below our feet.

SectorsCrop farming
LocationOrange, Australia
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