Sodishop Sodishop is a marketplace in Mali, Guinea, Senegal & Ivory Coast

Cover image of Sodishop, Comercio electrónico venture on VC4A



Sodishop is a marketplace present in Mali, Guinea, Senegal and Ivory Coast.
Our mission is to help all Africans to have the products of their choice delivered to their homes, regardless of their social class or geographical position.

With a young and dynamic team with more than 10 years of experience in the African market in several sectors, a team of developers with more than 7 years of experience, Sodishop regularly optimizes its products and services to adapt to the reality of the market.

Our market already covers nearly 30 million potential buyers in West Africa for an estimated market value of more than d 3 billion dollars.

Since its launch, Sodishop has created hundreds of jobs and processed thousands of customer orders.
Sodishop has created 2,300 indirect jobs through its Sodishoppers program, which aims to recruit and train 1,000,000 young sales assistants by 2025.

Hence our slogan: Deliver everything, everywhere and to everyone.

Sectores Comercio electrónico, Alimentos y bebidas, Transporte y logística
Ubicación Bamako, Mali
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