Sierra Agri FoodsSierra Agri Foods is an agricultural food processing business established in September 2019. The company’s main object addresses the problem of malnutrition facing Sierra Leoneans by utilizing an innovative and fully integrated structure to grow, process, package, distribute and sell hygienic high-quality nutritious food products. We sell hygienic high quality and healthy bread made from locally grown orange fleshed sweet potato at affordable prices. Our aim is to help solve some of the social and economic challenges facing the people of Sierra Leone by creating jobs for our growing number of youth, uplifting the economic well-being of farmers by outsourcing our raw produce from them, and to address the challenges of malnutrition particularly vitamin A deficiency through the production of sweet potato bread and baby food.SectorsAgribusinessLocationMakeni, Sierra LeoneStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsRevenueSign in to view detailsSupported byUN Food Systems Summit > Best Small Business: Good Food for AllContactSign in to view detailsSocial media