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Severe weather consult Data based Mitigation of climate change and adaptation.

Severe weather consult is aiming to create a big network of automated weather stations in Rwanda .we’re running a program which name is school to school where by we install the weather stations at the schools and we ensure that the teachers and students among that particular school have data based knowledge about climate measurements (raingauge,temperature,wind direction,solar radiation,humidity,..etc) already 16 stations had been installed within high schools and colleges in Rwanda.this will increase the data based awareness about climate change and help mitigation and adaptation over it among young people.we are also developing a mobile app where by students will interact the local weather forecasting to help them do vulnerability assessment.this is the process to identify the impact of climate change in their community and how to mitigate and adapt in future.our business will be take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts basing on climate measurements data.

Sectors Agribusiness, Education
Location Rwanda
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