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Service Hub Ltd. Trimestersave financial inclusion for universal health coverage

Service Hub Ltd. Trimestersave

Service Hub Ltd. Trimestersave

Offering an actual savings and product financial literacy . We operate in the nexus of the health and finance sectors to deliver this innovative solution. Currently offered as QUICK TriSave on the PASL platform
9 ( extendable to 18 months) months Savings program for pregnant couples with 3 monthly (trimester) targets.
The Financial literacy lessons on the need for budgeting, savings and financial decision making competencies are built.
Integrate other digital finance services including a range of adapted services (digital credit, digital insurance etc.) from third party financial service providers through the program.
Integrated digital blood pressure tracking is a notable VAS product integrated into our service.

SectorsHealthcare, ICT
LocationAccra, Ghana
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