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SCAL Create solution for the management of small commercial establishments

Cover image of SCAL, Mobile venture on VC4A

In Tunisia, Trade actors and owners of different categories and fields of business are now faced problems in management , so we can see a lack of speed, agility, efficiency and traceability. Knowledge of current management techniques may be a good practice for running a business, but it can’t resolve several issues related to inventory’s management,the management of guarantee and payment tracking, the management of invoice and order , the generation of sale’s reports and the long time elapsed to complete them.
To solve the latter, we can offer retailers a technological solution by investing in an electronic system characterized by the inventory management, a point of sale system, an automated statistical forecasting system and a centralized database.
This system provide trading owners with a competitive advantage to grow in the market as well as secure data and access.
In fact, The goal of this project is the development of an electronic solution for small commercial establishmen

LocationLa Manouba, Tunisia
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